I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics at the University of Manchester. Here is my CV. My research interests include Applied Microeconomic Theory, Market Design, Matching Theory, and Mechanism Design. Matching Mechanisms for Refugee Resettlement When Walras Meets Vickrey (with Simon Loertscher and Claudio Mezzetti) Comparative Statics for Size-Dependent Discounts in Matching Markets Essentially Stable Matchings (with Peter Troyan and Andrew Kloosterman) Two-Sided Allocation Problems, Decomposability, and the Impossibility of Efficient Trade (with Simon Loertscher, Leslie Marx, and Tom Wilkening) Public Good Provision: The Lindahl-VCG Relationship NEW! (Dec 2023) Processing Reserves Simultaneously [10min talk] [25min talk] [60min talk]
(with Scott Duke Kominers and Alexander Teytelboym)
American Economic Review, 113 (10): 2689-2717, October 2023
Theoretical Economics, 17 (4): 1803-1845, November 2022
(with Scott Duke Kominers and Alexandru Nichifor)
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 90: 127-131, October 2020
Games and Economic Behavior, 120: 370-390, March 2020
Journal of Economic Theory, 179: 416-454, January 2019Working Papers
(with Simon Loertscher and Claudio Mezzetti)